Frank Latta: un onda travolge la leggenda del surf

E’ stata un onda a metter fine alla vita di Frank Latta, uno dei migliori surfisti di tutti i tempi. Latta, nonostante i 63 anni non aveva mai abbandonato la sua grande passione per il mare e per il surf.

Ha perso la vita a Nambucca Heads sulla costa del Galles dove un onda lo ha travolto quando era in mare con altri surfisti. Sono ancora al vaglio degli inquirenti le dinamiche della morte.


2 risposte a “Frank Latta: un onda travolge la leggenda del surf”

  1. Avatar mogol_gr

    Milius credevo Mills quello della Mondadori-SME.


    Frank latta, surf legend has gone in the stars. The amazing thing is that I had never heard of him before, despite being a surf winsurf enthusiast…How is it possible that in Europe we never saw any documentary about his amazing life or video about him practising his art or how he was building his artistic boards. Surf is a very popular art but massively undercovered by the medias. If I can in this lifetime, I will make sure that sports like surf, billiard receive the visibility they deserve. I will also try to remenber Frank with a massive painting about surf and ask anybody I know in media, to give him the respect he earned during his life time. Also I would be very interested to know if he hurt his head on the board or had natural causes. The articles appeared on the press are complacent, vague and lack the details a champion like him would have deserved..OLIVIER DORIA 6 AUGUST 2010

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